Study Background
TxDOT is conducting a safety route study around the City of Sonora for the construction of an alternate route to existing US 277. The goal of the US 277 Sonora Safety Route is to divert the traffic around downtown to ease traffic congestion, enhance mobility and create safer driving conditions. Diverting the through traffic around downtown should ease traffic congestion, enhance mobility, and create safer driving conditions. This will be the third public meeting for this study.
Project Background
US 277 is part of the Texas Highway Freight Network and the Ports-to-Plains Corridor (a Congressional-designated High Priority Corridor on the National Highway System). This section of US 277 is also on the Texas Highway Trunk system of roadways. These designations collectively point to US 277’s strategic importance and viability as a major economic driver in the region.
In March 2010, TxDOT published the final report “Sonora Relief Route Investigative Study,” which documented the planning process for a possible relief route for Sonora that was conducted in the late 2000s. TxDOT initiated this US 277 Sonora Safety Route Study in the Spring of 2019. This study builds upon that previous investigative study.
Summary of Public Meeting on July 18, 2019
On July 18, 2019, TxDOT held a Public Meeting for the US 277 Sonora Safety Route Study. The meeting included an open house starting at 6 p.m. with a formal presentation at 6:30 p.m. At the public meeting, TxDOT presented the study purpose and need, crash rate data, environmental constraints, and the process they would use for conducting the study. Maps were also on display and attendees could provide their input about the proposed study area boundary, potential constraints in the study area, and provide suggestions of where a future Safety Route for US 277 could be located.
Feedback from Public Meeting on July 18, 2019
Thirty-three citizens and four elected officials attended the public meeting on July 18, 2019. TxDOT received five formal comments during the comment period. Attendees also provided their input during the meeting. Feedback received from the public at the meeting and during the comment period included:
- Maintain potential future interstate compatibility
- Expand the study area to the north
- Consider oil/gas wells within the study area
- Limit the study area to the east
- Preserve the gas station on the east side of Sonora and its economic impact
- Consider corridor placement in relation to downtown Sonora
Summary of Public Meeting on October 22, 2019
The second US 277 Sonora Safety Route Public Meeting was held on October 22, 2019. The meeting included an open house starting at 5 p.m. with a formal presentation at 5:30 p.m. TxDOT presented historic traffic data and population forecasts. Next, the preliminary alternatives were presented along with the Phase I Screening Matrix that was used to determine which alternatives would advance. Maps of each alternative were displayed for attendees to view. The public was asked on the comment form to choose their preferred alternative on the comment form.
Feedback from Public Meeting on October 22, 2019
Thirty-five citizens and four elected officials attended the October 22, 2019 Public Meeting. TxDOT received 64 formal comments during the comment period. Attendees were asked to report their preference for an alternative on the comment form. Of the comments received, the majority preferred the purple alternative, followed by the green alternative. General comments included:
- Avoid residences
- Keep the corridor close to Sonora